
Indian Colloquialism

Some new terms I have learned. Can anyone guess what they mean?

1. freaking out with friends
2. fashion inners
3. arranging furniture
4. turning on geiser in shower
5. there is no gas in the soda pop

I will write more as I come across them.


Anonymous said...

Freaking out with friends: Having a gala time with friends. Don't we all do so?

Fashion inners: It's a first for me too.

Arranging furniture: Refurbishing I guess! Depends on the context of use.

Turning the geyser in the shower: Geysers are used to heat water. Every bathroom/restroom comes equipped with a geyser. Unlike in the U.s, where one has hot water available 24/7, here you will have to turn on the geyser for a while before so that the water can get hot.

There is no gas in the soda pop: ???????? Probably has something to do with fizzless drinks.

Anonymous said...

i was searching for a geyser shop in bangalore and i laned up here ..lol :)