
No go!

Okay, all my stuff is gone. American International Relo movers came yesterday and my stuff will probably leave before I do. I won't make it on my flight to Bangalore tomorrow. My visa application has not been processed yet. I knew this would happen. I tried to be optimistic but knew that there wouldn't be enough time. It looks as if some of my supporting letters quite possibly got lost in the courier land. I will most likely leave the country next week. Sucks! I was looking forward to finally leaving despite the cold feet I have been experiencing. Oh well. At least I get to hang out in Portland with Brandon a little longer.

1 comment:

rob said...

For what it's worth
I just gave birth
To cyber graf-fi-ti

But the poemster poems
He don't write tomes
And he's on a poeming spree

20 seconds lent
Is time well spent
And this one is for free

you've been poemed by:
the poemster